Only True Voyage
HD Video, Sound

Artist’s Note

<Only True Voyage> is an immersive video installation that enables the viewers to travel to the field of vision of the artist. It delivers a visual world seen by the artist's naked eye.

I have worn glasses because of myopia and astigmatism since I was young. But I also enjoy taking them off and walking around. Especially, seeing the snowflake-like glowing lights on the street in the evening is one of my hobbies from childhood. However, people around me have long forced me to have laser vision correction, saying that wearing glasses is uncomfortable. Therefore, I decided to share the value of my "flawed" vision by showing others the beautiful scenery. Through this work, I invite people into my visual sensory world - Umwelt.

To create a corneal filter, I went through a long technical research process. I produced a corneal filter for camera lenses by processing corneal data obtained from a corneal topography examination in ophthalmology. (The cornea is the outermost part of the eye and the part that causes phase distortion, which affects astigmatism.)

Technically, for shooting, my left and right corneal filters were attached to the two cameras. And the film was taken at night. In the exhibition space, the two videos are combined in real-time through a video mixer (<Pathway>, 2021) and transmitted to a big LED panel screen as one video.